"Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." - Oscar Wilde
Art Therapy GROUPS coming SOON!
$40 per session; PWYC (pay what you can)
Groups are ONGOING / you can attend as often as you like!
In an ongoing group, new members join a preexisting group (if/when there is room) and stay in the group until they decide that they have achieved their goals. Ongoing groups have been known to continue for many years while the individual participants ev and flow.
*Private Pay ONLY / insurance NOT accepted for groups

ONEder KIDS (AGES 9-11)
Dates/Time : TBA
ONEder Kids is a group for newly diagnosed or young experts! Come make connections ONLINE - build friendships - talk about some hard stuff in a safe space all while making art. We'll explore feelings around having T1 & will celebrate our strengths! Each week we'll explore a different theme connected to Type 1 Diabetes. Examples include; what is Type 1 to me, diagnosis stories, my body when I go low/high, my relationship with food, my body isn't always predictable, technology, we are cyborgs, robots, superpowers, warranted fears, resilience, where/when do I feel the safest, my strengths, my hopes - my future.
This group meets every Saturday afternoon! Limited space available!
Reserve a spot for your child today!
You will be asked to fill out a General Consent Form & Intake Form.

T-ONE-T (AGES 12-17)
Dates/Time : TBA
When preteens/teens get around others with Type 1, there tends to be an instant connection. They start teaching each other about what they know and how they deal; they ask questions; they give thoughtful answers; all of a sudden they're filled with confidence & empowered in relation to their own T1D. Art Therapy is just another way to share feelings & ideas. Group therapy can often times be more motivating than consults with healthcare providers in changing habits with regard to self-management. In addition, this group could simply help your teen make sense of their chaotic and uncertain world.
The more we encourage others, the more we encourage ourselves and ALL T1's can use extra encouragement from time to time. Art Therapy gives teens another language to share feelings, ideas, perceptions about themselves, others, & the world around them. In addition, support groups can be more motivating than consults with healthcare providers in changing habits with regard to self-management. This group could also help your child make some sense of the chaotic/uncertain world.
Each Saturday will be somewhat different in regards to materials and theme, but I strive for consistency when it comes to routine of the group.
begins with INTRODUCTION/check-in & ends with REFLECTION/personal goal (big or small)
very casual, but real!
Your child will have the option to talk as much or as little as they want, sometimes the art process and/or product speak for themselves and that can be enough, just like your child is enough.
You will be asked to fill out an Intake Form & General Consent Form

18+ WITH T1D
second THURSDAYs 6PM
upcoming dates 2024
January 11
February 8
How do you keep going when there is no end? Are you tired of being brave & strong? Tired of all the diabetic BS? Are you simply exhausted? Come create something - maybe it'll be beautiful or maybe it'll be ugly - but I can guarantee that it will feel great! Make a mess & meet other adults with T1D.
Art is inherently therapeutic and can ease the feeling of burnout. How you want to participate in the group is up to you. You will always have the option of NOT talking and only creating if that is what you need.
Open to anyone who lives with this chronic illness & wants to create.